

Finding the motivation to get off the couch and head off for a workout session can often be a struggle, or you might find once you get to the gym you are lacking focus or energy.

Not worry, pre-workout supplements are here to the rescue!

What is a pre-workout supplement?

Pre-workout supplements are products that increase your energy levels and improve your performance during a workout when consumed in advance of your session. They’re typically available in powdered forms that you can mix in water and drink before your workout.

Pre-workouts are a cornerstone of the sports supplement market the sports market, replacing the old school practice of drinking coffee to improve workout performance.

Do I really need it?

You might think that these power-packs are better suited to advanced-level athletes, but this isn’t the case.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or an advanced level performer, pre-workout supplements are for every fitness level. If you’re aiming for improved energy, and better cognitive focus, they are definitely worth a shot!

They not only give you an extra boost during a workout, but will help you get ready for another workout the day after!

What’s the best time to take pre-workout, and how long do they last?

It’s best to go by suggested time mentioned on the product label. However, on average they should be taken 20-30 minutes before your workout.

The full effects of these supplements are usually felt within 45 minutes; however, if you’re more sensitive to caffeine or stimulants, you might get the effects faster. These supplements would usually keep you energetic for 3 to 6 hours after their consumption, providing you better endurance and focus to achieve your goals.

For those sensitive to stimulants, it is always best to try half the recommended dose at first to see how your body reacts to the effects.

What do these supplements contain?

With tons of products available in the market, you need to check the label of any product before you buy it, as there are many different combinations and amounts of ingredients that can be used in these types of products.

But in general, here’s a list of what you should look for…

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1. Caffeine

Whatever pre-workout supplement you buy, this is usually the main core ingredient.

Caffeine is a popular morning energy boost for refreshing your sleepy eyes and brain. Just like a cup of coffee activates you before you begin your day, caffeine in these supplements works the same.

Most brands of pre-workout range from 150 mg to 300 mg of caffeine per serving, which is almost around 1 to 3 cups of coffee that you would have take every morning. 99% of this is absorbed into your blood within 45 minutes of its intake, giving you the extra push that you need during your workouts.

A 2020 review of 21 published studies on caffeine also highlighted its benefits in enhancing endurance, muscle strength, jumping performance, and speed. Thus, caffeine’s effectiveness has been backed by numerous scientific studies.

2. Beta-Alanine

Beta-alanine is an amazing compound that can fight off muscle fatigue when taken before workouts. It triggers the formation of carnosine in blood, which actually helps your muscles to contract for a longer period, allowing you to push harder for longer before reaching the point of failure.

A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition took 30 healthy individuals for a 5-weeks training program. The group that took beta-alanine showed better power output than the placebo group, favoring the use of beta-alanine as a pre-workout ingredient.

3. Creatine:

Creatine is the most widely known compound for its role in muscle building.

An article published in the Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine reviewed 22 experimental studies on Creatine’s effectiveness on muscles and concluded that Creatine is a potent compound for increasing lean muscle mass and upper and lower body strength during resistance workouts.

A pinch of creatine in your system blood before you begin your workout is definitely a good choice.

4. N-acetyl-l-tyrosine

Have you ever felt like leaving your workouts just because you’re in a bad mood?

Well, Tyrosine can help! This ingredient is actually a mood-lifter for weightlifters. It releases dopamine and nor-adrenaline in your blood to maintain your cognitive and mental health during stressful workout sessions.
Allowing you to make the most out of your workouts. N-acetyl-l-tyrosine in your pre-workout supplements can be a game changer.

What else should I take in addition to the pre-workout supplements?

The most important component of the pre-workout regimen is water. It is recommended that you to drink at least 2-3 glasses of water 20-30 minutes before you exercise to keep your body hydrated.

You lose quite a lot of it water through sweat during a workout. Therefore, if you’re not sufficiently hydrated, it might lead to poor performance no matter what supplements you use.

Is coffee a good substitute for pre-workout supplements?

Coffee does have caffeine that has proven benefits as a pre-workout component. However, pre-workout supplements provide you with almost double to triple the amount of a coffee-mug of caffeine. Plus, they’re more than just caffeine.

Pre-workout supplements have a variety of other compounds, like creatine, beta-alanine, etc. that affect your muscle strength, and workout performance in different ways.

For optimal performance in your gym, make sure to get the right pre-workout supplements that are actually worth your money!

Are you thinking giving pre-workout supplements a shot? We’ve collected the best selection of pre-workout products for you right here on this site.

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