Please read our Terms of Use agreement carefully before using this site. This notice sets forth an agreement between Wagga Supps, and each user, regarding your use of the site along with the related services and offers provided on the website. By using this site, you signify that you abide by our Terms of Use. If you do not agree to our terms and conditions, you may choose not to use or access this site.

We reserve the right, solely, to make changes to our Website, these Terms of Use, the policies that govern the use of our website, and an individual’s access to this site at any time. It is recommended that you periodically read our Terms and Conditions, and policies for any updates.

1. Copyrights

All the materials on this Website including the logos, icons, design, content, graphics, sound, software, etc. are the copyrighted property of Wagga Supps, or its affiliated companies and/or third-party licensors. Any use of this website’s materials for replication, reproduction, commercial utilization, distribution, or any other cause without permission is strictly prohibited.

Unauthorized access to any portion of our website, through hacking or other means, for harvesting the company’s data or users’ accounts or personal information is strictly against our policies.

Any data submitted to our website by the users, e.g. feedbacks, images, ideas, etc. are considered to be the property of Wagga Supps. Any user data submitted to us cannot be used by a third party for any purpose unless granted permission by Wagga Supps itself.

2. Products

Wagga Supps only takes the responsibility for the products owned and sold by our company. Any products or services sold by the third party on this site are subject to their terms and conditions, and privacy policy, and any products purchased from a third party on our website are not a liability of Wagga Supps.

3. Health-Related Information

The information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as an alternative to advice from your healthcare professional or any information contained in any product labels. We do not encourage the use of the information we provide for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or prescription of any medication. You must speak with your healthcare professional before taking any medication or supplements sold on this website.

Privacy Policy

By using our website, you agree to the privacy policy of our company. Please refer to our Privacy Policy before you use this site.

4. User Submission

Any data that you submit to our website, including any pictures, ideas, suggestions, comments, etc. become the property of Wagga Supps. You hereby grant us the right to use that data for, including but not limited to, posting, publishing, reproducing, and displaying your submitted content or media to any platform currently present or that may form in the future.

5. No Warranty; Disclaimer

Wagga Supps is providing this site and its contents on an “as is” basis. Wagga Supps and its affiliates make no warranties of any kind, express or implied, concerning this site or its contents, including without limitation the products, information, or services offered or sold on or through this site or any other site to which this site links and the uninterrupted and error-free use of this site. Wagga Supps and its affiliates do not guarantee merchantability, accuracy, timeliness, completeness, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. We do not claim that our sites are free of corrupted data or computer viruses; thus, any harm caused to your computer or files through our site is not our responsibility. Wagga Supps does not hold responsibility for any inaccurate, misleading, defaming, or unlawful information present on this site or any sites that link to our website. We hold the authority to change the price and availability of any product on our site without prior notice.

6. Limitation of Liability

Under no circumstances shall we be liable to you, whether in contract, tort, strict liability, or otherwise, for any direct, punitive, special, exemplary, consequential, incidental, or indirect damages (including without limitation lost profits, cost of procuring substitute service or lost opportunity) arising out of or in connection with the use of the website or services, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Under no circumstance shall we be liable for more than the aggregate amount paid by you to us within the 12 months preceding any claim.

Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain warranties for consequential or incidental damages, in which case the above limitation may not apply to you.

7. Termination of Usage

The security of your password and other confidential information relating to the use of the site and your account on the site is solely your responsibility. You agree to be liable for all charges resulting from the use of your account on the site, including charges resulting from unauthorized use of your account before you take steps to prevent such occurrence by changing your password and notifying us. Any unlawful use of this site or its services or products is not permitted to any extent. Posting any unlawful, infringing, threatening, defamatory, vulgar, harassing, profane, indecent, obscene, offensive, hateful or otherwise objectionable material of any kind, including without limitation to any material that encourages illegal or criminal conduct or otherwise violates any applicable local, state, national or international law is strictly prohibited. You agree not to use this site in any manner that interferes with its normal operation or with any other user’s use and enjoyment of the site. You agree that you will not access this site from any territory where its contents are illegal and that you, and not Wagga Supps and its affiliates, are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws. Wagga Supps has all the rights to terminate or suspend your access to all or part of this site, without notice, for any conduct that Wagga Supps, in its sole discretion, believes violates these Terms of Use or any applicable law or is harmful to the interests of another user, the company or its affiliates.

8. Usage by Minors

Wagga Supps does not encourage the use of our website, or the purchase of its products by minors; however, it cannot prohibit minors from visiting this site. Therefore, parents, guardians, and those responsible for supervising children and teenagers are to decide which materials are appropriate for anyone under 18 years of age to view and/or purchase. We encourage that (i) all purchases on the site be made by adults above 18 years of age (ii) all personal information provided to us be by adults of 18 years of age or older, or if under 18, such information is attended by verifiable parental consent as further outlined in our Privacy and Child Protection Policy.

9. Applicable Law; Jurisdiction

This agreement is following the laws of the State of New South Wales. Each user agrees to submit to personal jurisdiction in the State of New South Wales and further agrees that any cause of action relating to the use of this site or this agreement may be brought exclusively in a court in New South Wales.

10. Entire Agreement; Amendments

This agreement constitutes the only agreement between Wagga Supps and each user of this site concerning the subject matter of this agreement and supersedes any prior agreements, representations, warranties, and understandings, written or oral, for the subject matter of this agreement. You agree to review this Agreement before you use this site and your use of this Site shall signify your assent to this agreement. Wagga Supps may, in its sole discretion, amend this Terms of Use agreement from time to time.

11 Miscellaneous

The failure of Wagga Supps or its affiliates to insist upon strict adherence to any term of this agreement does not waive off the clause or limit our right thereafter to insist upon strict adherence to that clause or any other term of this agreement. You assent to file any claim or cause of action arising from or relating to the use of this site or this Agreement within one year after such claim or cause of action arose or it will be forever barred. The “No Warranty; Disclaimer” and “Limitation of Liability” provisions of this agreement are for the benefit of Wagga Supps and its affiliates as defined herein, and each of these entities shall have the right to impose these provisions directly against you on its behalf.

12 Contact Us

If you have any concerns about our Terms of Use and/or the practices of this website, please feel free to contact us.

11 Baylis St Wagga Wagga NSW 2650

(02) 6971 8852